
Omar Babtain

Meet Omar, Logistics Manager at Richemont KSA. Omar has worked close to a deacde in logistics for Richemont in KSA. He was the first employee hired in the Kingdom to build up and grow the business, and his experience so far has surpassed his expectations.

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My career journey

I joined at the beginning of Richemont Saudi Arabia; I was the first employee! Over the years, we grew and extended Richemont’s reputation and local partnerships in Saudi Arabia to new heights. Over that time, I received full support from my Manager and he empowered me to lead several projects in KSA. With the open door policy and win-win mindset, we succeeded to achieve our goals. During this phase, we were the first company to do a high-jewellery event in KSA. The whole country spoke about this event and it was a major success, we even made history in Saudi’s customs! We did the customs inspection at our offices instead of at the airport like normal procedure- it was such a privilege! Afterwards, we received appreciation from the government for our high standards and trust.

“Be the change that you want to see in the world. You need to start with yourself to be an example for the others!”

My biggest learning

My COO told me, “Hard work always shows”. This is a lesson that I have taken with me. We need to shine without pretending. If we work hard, the results will speak for themselves and this is what we were able to accomplish in KSA. I work for Richemont, as if it were my own company; I give my all.

Some final words

We work for a global group and we are all one family! You really feel that people know each other. Last year, I got the chance to go to the global summit in Berlin and despite all our different backgrounds and cultures present at the summit, it felt like we were one family.

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