
Karmlin Naidoo

Meet Karmlin Naidoo, Data Analytics Engineer at Richemont. Karmlin hails from South Africa, with a background in accounting. Before joining the Group, he honed his skills to combine both the software and financial aspects, which became a huge asset in his own work and that of his colleagues.

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My career journey

Coming from South Africa, with a background in accounting, I joined the Group to hone my skills with a combination of both software and financial aspects, which became a huge asset in my work. At that time, South African Richemont subsidiary, RLG Africa, was in the midst of several integration and project solutions. I had just the profile they needed. And so my journey with the Group began as IT Manager, where I acquired additional technical knowledge through the many Group Information Security standardization initiatives.

During the AS400 (NSI/IRIS) SAP Easy integration, I sharpened my project management skills while learning from subject matter experts. I learnt a few SAP FICO & BI skills. The experience allowed me to spread my wings – which I did! I then applied and was accepted to join the prominent EAS Team based at the Campus de Haute Horlogerie in Geneva, Switzerland.

I had never been outside of South Africa before working for Richemont. My first international travel was courtesy of the Group, in the form of an IT seminar. Seeing a world outside the borders of South Africa ignited the hunger to immigrate. The international exposure to people, countries and cultures helped the world become smaller and more accessible. The corporate professionals and unique personalities, encompassed with well-structured policies encouraged me to integrate seamlessly into the Richemont way.

“Personally and professionally speaking, I now take strategical decisions considering long term impacts. I acquired this thanks to planning knowledge I have been exposed to while in the Group. Patience and consideration for other cultures, while learning new languages is part of the Richemont way.”

My biggest learning

Time management, multitasking, learning while teaching, are but a few of the skills I’ve acquired thanks to my career with Richemont – skills that cannot be studied but rather obtained through experience. To be honest, I am learning something new everyday, especially now that I am focusing on Business Intelligence (BI), which touches every part of the business, so exposure to a variety of professions is inevitable.

Some final words

The Group’s encyclopaedia of diversity is one of its key strengths. Here, one can find countries hosting multi-lingual employees. Whether you speak French in Hong Kong, German in the US, or Spanish in Geneva, you will most definitely find someone who speaks the same as you. International standards to learn from promote efficiency in a daily structured environment. The fast paced atmosphere driven by the latest technology keeps you abreast so you never fall behind. Harnessing these examples are always impressive to witness in the Group.

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