
Isabelle Gianchandani

Meet Isabelle, Business Development Manager at Montblanc. Isabelle started in the Group as a fresh Master's graduate and over the past years, has grown personally and professionally in our regional office in Dubai.

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My career journey

I always wanted to work in the luxury industry. When I relocated back to Dubai, I applied to Richemont and it was a super quick process. From the interview to the time that I started, it took only 2 weeks! I started as a maternity leave replacement, working as a PR and Media Executive covering MEIA (Middle East, India, & Africa). When my contract was ending, a position opened up and I started working as Retail Marketing Executive, which was responsible for handling events, trade marketing, and so on.

I stayed with the marketing team and my job and our region have constantly been growing. We started handling our local social media channels and I was in charge of this for the brands on top of all of the events that we were doing. After 3 years in marketing, I was open to a new challenge and I wanted to have a 360-degree, strategic view of the business. Richemont was super helpful; they offered me different possibilities for my next career step. I was offered the Business Development Manager role at Montblanc for the region. A few years have passed and I have worked in various departments; there has never been a dull moment in the Group!

“Keep trying and never give up. Live your life to the fullest and dance like no one is watching!”

My biggest learning

There is not one linear career path. Every position has new challenges and new ways of growing. Networking and staying connected with these people will open the door to new opportunities. I learned to embrace the now and take in as much as I can. Most importantly, you need to make mistakes, learn from them, and push your limits.

Some final words

We are a rainbow organisation, and I think this is so important - it is part of what makes us different as a Group. Richemont has employees from everywhere with different backgrounds. I bring my own diversity to the Group; my mom is French, my dad is Indian, and I grew up in Germany! I love sharing my culture and experiences with my colleagues. I have blessed by the close connections and friendships that I have built over the years - on the local level with Montblanc and Richemont, but also on the global level through colleagues that I have met. It is really like an extended family. I wake up every day happy - working with great people and having an amazing job!

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