Capital structure

Compagnie Financière Richemont SA is domiciled in Switzerland with its registered office at:

Chemin de la Chênaie 50
CP 30
1293 Bellevue, Geneva

The below provides a summary of the information contained in the current Corporate Governance Report; the Shares section has been updated to reflect the issuance of additional shares in November 2023 following the exercise of A and B warrants under the Equity-based Loyalty Scheme.


As of November 2023, there are 537 582 089 A registered shares, with a par value of CHF 1.00 each, and 537 582 089 B registered shares, with a par value of CHF 0.10 each, in issue. Primary listing: Richemont A shares are listed and traded on the SIX Swiss exchange. Secondary listing: Richemont A shares are listed and traded on the JSE.

The ISIN of Richemont A shares is CH0210483332 and the Swiss 'Valorennummer' is 21048333.

The B shares are not listed and represent 9.1% of the equity of the Company. The 537 582 089 Richemont B registered shares are held by Compagnie Financière Rupert.

Share buyback programmes

The Group repurchases shares through the market to hedge obligations in relation to stock option plans and awards of Restricted Stock Units and Performance Stock Units for executives. The current Richemont share buyback programme was launched on 12 May 2023 and expires in 2026. Information regarding expired programmes can be found on the share buybacks page.

Richemont holds 6.0 million shares in treasury as at 31 March 2024. Those shares represent 1.02% of the capital and 0.56% of the voting rights of the Company.

Voting rights

Holders of Richemont A shares may attend and vote at meetings of shareholders of Compagnie Financière Richemont SA. They may attend in person or may appoint a third party to represent them at the meeting. There is no limit on the number of shares that may be held by any given party nor any restriction on the voting rights attached to those shares.

Richemont B shares control 50% of the votes at meetings of shareholders of Compagnie Financière Richemont SA.

Transferability of shares

Transfers of the listed A shares are not subject to transfer restrictions. To qualify for voting rights, the shares must be registered at the record date in either the owner's name or by a nominee which has fulfilled the disclosure requirements set out in the Company's Articles of Incorporation.

Transfers of the unlisted B shares in Compagnie Financière Richemont SA, which are held solely by Compagnie Financière Rupert, must be approved by the Board of Directors of the Company.

Significant shareholders

As at 31 March 2024, Compagnie Financière Rupert is the only significant shareholder (with 3% or more of the voting rights), with 6 418 850 Richemont ‘A’ shares and 537 582 089 Richemont ‘B’ registered shares representing 10% of the equity of the Company and controlling 51% of the Company’s voting rights.

Disclosure notifications by significant shareholders of the Company can be viewed on the SIX Swiss Exchange's website.

Cross shareholdings

Richemont does not hold an interest in any company which is itself a significant shareholder in the Group.